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Hector A. Garcia, Psy.D.





Doctor of Psychology (Clinical): May 2005

Rutgers University

Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology (GSAPP)

152 Frelinghuysen Road

Piscataway, NJ 08854



Master of Psychology: January 2003

Rutgers University



Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, High Honors: May 1999

University of Texas El Paso (UTEP)

500 West University Avenue

El Paso, Texas 79968                                                                                                       



Academic Appointments


Assistant Professor: University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio—Department of Psychiatry. February 2009-present


Academic Awards and Honors


NIAAA Alcohol Research Training Fellowship, Rutgers: 2002-2004

Ralph Bunche Excellence Fellowship, Rutgers: 2000-2002

Top Ten Senior Award, UTEP: graduating class of 1999                                            

High Honors, UTEP: 1999

Standard/Flag Bearer, UTEP graduation ceremony: 1999

Texas Senate Resolution Honoring Academic Achievement: 1999

Houston Endowment Honors Scholarship: 1998-1999

National Hispanic Scholarship: 1997-1998

Stevens Scholarship: 1996-1999

University of Texas Land Scholarship, summer: 1997


Ad Hoc Reviewer


Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology

Journal of Traumatic Stress

Psychology of Men and Masculinity        

Psychological Services

Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy

Military Medicine

Burnout Research

British Journal of Guidance and Counseling






Garcia, H.A. (2019) Sex, Power, and Partisanship: How Evolutionary Science Makes Sense of Our Political Divide. Prometheus Books; Amherst, NY


Garcia, H.A. (2015) Alpha God: The Psychology of Religious Violence and Oppression. Prometheus Books; Amherst, NY


Book chapters


Garcia, H.A. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Post-Combat Reintegration: An Evolutionary Model (In Press). In. L. Al-Shawaf & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), The oxford handbook of evolution and the emotions. Oxford University Press. 

Scientific Journals  


30) Song, J., Garcia, H. A., Finley, E. P., & Stirman, S. W. (2023, April 13). Provider Decisions to Use Evidence-Based Psychotherapy for PTSD Among Veterans: Assessments of Overidentification With the Sick Role and Comorbid Personality Disorders. Traumatology. Advance online publication.


29) Zivin K, Kononowech J, Boden M, Abraham K, Harrod M, Sripada RK, Kales HC, Garcia HA, Pfeiffer P. Predictors and Consequences of Veterans Affairs Mental Health Provider Burnout: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study JMIR Res Protoc 2020;9(12):e18345
doi: 10.2196/18345


28) Song, J., Garcia, H. A., Finley, E. P., & Wiltsey Stirman, S. (2020, May 7). Graduate Training and Provider Concerns About Distress and Comprehension in PTSD Treatment Choice: A Mediation Analysis. Psychological Services. Advance online publication.


27) Garcia, H. A., Mignogna, J., DeBeer, B. R., Song, J., Haro, E. K., & Finley, E. P. (2019, October 10). Provider Factors Predict Use of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies in Veterans Affairs Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Specialty Programs: The Role of Profession, Theoretical Orientation, and Training.Traumatology. Advance online publication.


26) Garcia, H. A., DeBeer, B. R., Mignogna, J., & Finley, E. P. (2019, February 28). Treatments Veterans Health Administration PTSD Specialty Program Providers Report Their Patients Prefer: The Role of Training and Theoretical Orientation. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Advance online publication.


25) Finley, E. P., Garcia, H. A., Ramirez, V. A., Haro, E. K., Mignogna, J., DeBeer, B., & Wiltsey-Stirman, S. (2019, June 17). Treatment Selection Among Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Specialty Care Providers in the Veterans Health Administration: A Thematic Analysis. Psychological Trauma:Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Advance online publication.


24) Haro, E.K., Mader, M., Noel, P.H., Garcia, H.A., Vogt, D., Bernardy, N., Bollinger, M., Pugh, M.J., Finley, E.P. (2019) The impact of trust, satisfaction, and perceived quality on preference for setting of future care among veterans with PTSD. Military Medicine. April 20.


23) Garcia, Hector A., Benzer, Justin K., Haro, Elizabeth, Finley, Erin P. (2018). OccupationaL burnout among PTSD specialty clinic providers in the Veterans Health Administration: Perceptions of bureaucratic and political oversight.  Mental Health and Prevention, 12, 42-49


22) Villarosa-Hurlocker, M.C., Cuccurullo, L.A., Garcia, H.A. Finley, E.P. (2018) Professional burnout of psychiatrists in a Veterans Health Administration: exploring the role of the organizational treatment. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Service Research. June, pp1-9, DOI: 10.1007/s10488-018-0879-5 


21) Finley, EP, Mader, M, Haro, E., Noel, PH, Bernardy, N, Rosen, CS, Bollinger, M, Garcia, H., Sherrieb, K, Pugh, MJ (2018) Use of guideline-recommended treatments for PTSD among community-based     providers in Texas and Vermont: implications for the Veterans Choice Program. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research. doi: 10.1007/s11414-018-9613-z


20) Finley, EP, Mader, M, Haro, E, Noel, PH,  Bernardy, N, Rosen ,CS,  Bollinger, M, Garcia, H, Sherrieb, K, Pugh, MJ. (2017) Community clinicians and the Veterans Choice Program for PTSD care: Understanding provider interest during early implementation. Medical Care. 55 supl 7.


19) EP Finley, EP, Mader, M. Bollinger, M, Haro, EK, Garcia, HA, Huynh, AK, Pugh, JA, Pugh MJ. (2017) Characteristics associated with utilization of VA and non-VA care among Iraq anD Afghanistan   Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Military Medicine, 182(11), e1892-e1903.


18) EP Finley, PH Noel, S Lee, EK Haro, H Garcia, C Rosen, N Bernardy, MJ Pugh, JA Pugh.

(2017) Psychotherapy practices for Veterans with PTSD among community-based providers inTexas. Psychological Services.


17) Garcia, H. A. (2016, June 30). If You’ve Never Been There You Wouldn’t Understand: The Evolutionary Reasons for Veteran Mistrust. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences. Advance online publication.


16) Garcia, H.A., McGeary, C., Finley, E.P., Ketchum, N.S., McGeary, D. D., Peterson, A. (2016). Burnout Among Psychiatrists in the Veterans Health Administration. Burnout Research. 2 (4).


15) Garcia, H. A., McGeary, C. A., Finley, E. P., Ketchum, N. S., McGeary, D. D., & Peterson, A. L. (2015). Evidence-based treatments for PTSD and VHA provider burnout: The impact of cognitive processing and prolonged exposure therapies. Traumatology, 21(1), 7-13. 


14) E.P. Finley, H.A. Garcia, N.S. Ketchum, D.D. McGeary, C.A. McGeary, Wiltsey Stirman, S.,  

Peterson, A.L. (2014) Utilization of evidence-based psychotherapies in Veterans Affairs posttraumatic stress disorder outpatient clinics. Psychological Services.


13) Garcia, H.A., McGeary, C., Finley, E.P., Ketchum, N.S. McGeary, D. D., Peterson, A. (2015). The Influence of Trauma and Patient Characteristics on provider burnout in VA PTSD Specialty Programs. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice


12) Garcia, H.A., McGeary, C., McGeary, D. D., Finley, E.P., Peterson, A. (2014) Burnout in

veterans health administration providers in posttraumatic stress clinics. Psychological Services. 11 (1) 50-59.


11) McGeary, C., Garcia, H.A., McGeary, C., Finley, E., & Peterson, A. (2014). Burnout and

Coping: Veterans Health Administration Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Mental Health Providers. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 6(4) 390-397


10) Garcia, H.A., Finley, E.P., Ketchum, N., Jakupcak, M, Dassori, A., Reyes, S. (2014).

Treatment Adherence among OEF/OIF Veterans: A Survey of Perceived Barriers and Treatment Attitudes in VA Outpatient Care. Military Medicine. 179 (3). 273-278


9) Jeffreys, M., D., Reinfeld, C., Nair, P.V., Garcia, H.A., Mata-Galan, E., & Rentz, T.O. (2013). Evaluating treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder with cognitive processing therapy and prolonged exposure therapy in a VHA specialty clinic. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 28 (1).


8) Finley, E.P., Pugh, M.J., Garcia, H.A., Wang, C.P., Noel. P.H. (2013) Self-efficacy for life tasks in OEF/OIF Veterans: assessing functional concerns in the clinic. Military Behavioral Health Available online September 2013.


7) Jakupcak, M., Blais, R.K., Grossbard, J., Garcia, H.A., Okiishi, J. (2013) Toughness and Its Association with Psychiatric Symptoms and Perceived Barriers to Care Among Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. doi: 10.1037/a0031508


6) Garcia, H.A., Kelley, L.P., Rentz, T.O., & Lee, S. (2011). Pretreatment

Predictors of Dropout from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for PTSD in Afghanistan and Iraq War Veterans. Psychological Services. 8 (1) 1-11.


5) Garcia, H. A., Franklin, C. L., & Chambliss, J. L. (2010). Examining MMPI-2 F-family scales in PTSD-diagnosed Operation Enduring and Iraqi Freedom veterans. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.2 (2).


4) Lorber, W. & Garcia, H.A. (2010) Not Supposed to Feel This: Traditional Masculinity In Psychotherapy With Male Veterans Returning From Afghanistan and Iraq. Psychotherapy

Theory Research Practice and Training. Vol 47 (3) 296-305.


3) Garcia, H. A., Finley, E. P., Lorber, W., & Jakupcak, M. (2010). A Preliminary Study

Of the Association Between Traditional Masculine Behavioral Norms and PTSD Symptoms in Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans. Psychology of Men & Masculinity. 12 (1).


2) Garcia H. A. (2008). Targeting Irish-Catholic Rituals as Symptoms of Obsessive

Compulsive Disorder:  A Cognitive-Behavioral and Psychodynamic Assimilative

Integrationist Approach. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy. Vol. 4 (2) 1-38 [This paper has been translated into Polish and re-published: Psychiatria i Psychoterapia 2008, Tom 4, Nr 4: artykuł 1.]


1) Garcia, H.A. (2008) Meaning and Pragmatism in OCD Treatment. Response to Commentaries On: Targeting Catholic Rituals as Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy. Vol 4 (2) 63-74


Featured Media


TEDx San Antonio. San Antonio Texas. 11/9/19. Why We Make War


TED Talks Live, War and Peace. New York, Broadway. 11/4/15. We Train Soldiers for War. Let’s Train Them to Come Home Too.


C-SPAN. Sex, Power, and Partisanship: CSPAN:


Selected Radio/TV/Podcasts


Hector Garcia. Dying out Loud with David Warnock. How Alpha Gods Protect us from Death


Hector Garcia.: Alpha God and Religious Violence. Freethought Matters TV, Freedom From Religion Foundation


Hector Garcia and Valerie Tarico: Impossible (?) Conversations: The Best and Worst of "Woke Culture". The Thinking Atheist.


Hector Garcia. How Tribalism Unites and Divides US, with Seth Andrews:


Hector Garcia. Our Irrational Fears, with Seth Andrews.


Hector Garcia with Dr Darrel Ray. The Psychology of Religious Trauma.


Hector Garcia and Valerie Tarico. The Woke are Killing the Left. The Right to Reason Podcast.


Hector Garcia. Primal Discourse #2: Interview with Dr. David Barash


Hector Garcia and Peter Montoya. We are in the Midst of a Cold Civil War.


Hector Garcia in conversation with Mark Koplik. Politics as a Mating Strategy. New York Writers Institute, SUNY Albany.


Hector Garcia. Primal Discourse #1: Interview with Dr. David Buss:


Hector Garcia with Dr David Orenstien. Alpha Gods. Secular Stories with Dr Orenstein.


Hector Garcia with Turi Munthe. Evolutionary Psychology of Politics. Parlia:The Encyclopedia of Opinion.


Hector Garcia. How Trump’s Presidency Divided Families. The Right to Reason Podcast.


Hector Garcia. The Evolutionary Roots of Political Partisanship. Ethical Humanist Society of Chicago.


Hector Garcia. How Evolution Created PTSD. Brain Health with Dr Elliot Jardin, University of Miami.


Hector Garcia. How Evolution Created COVID Deniers.


Hector Garcia. How Human Evolution Created Trump.


Hector Garcia. How Evolution Created PTSD.


Hector Garcia. Predicting Political Orientations. Documentary: Better Left Unsaid with Curt Jamai.


Hector Garcia. Why We War. Right to Reason Podcast with Robert Stanley.


Hector Garcia. Violent Men, Violent Gods. The Thinking Atheist Podcast.


Hector Garcia. How Evolutionary Science Makes Sense of Our Political Divide, on Science Salon with Michael Shermer.


Hector Garcia. Sex, Power, and Partisanship: Freethought Radio:


Hector Garcia. Sex, Power, and Partisanship. Ra-Men Podcast.


Hector Garcia. Sex, Power, and Partisanship. Right to Reason Podcast with Robert Stanley.


Hector Garcia. The Science Behind Sex, Power, and Partisanship, Texas Public Radio:


Hector Garcia. Tribes, Trump, and the Masculine Male. Thinking Atheist Podcast.


Hector Garcia. Praeger U Dismantled by an Evolutionary Psychologist:


Hector Garcia. Sexual Domiance: Apes, Men, and Gods. Fully Deconverted Podcast With Ariel Avinu.


Hector Garcia. PTSD, Religion, and Male Dominance. WBAI Radio:


Hector Garcia. What Makes a Soldier: What Breaks a Soldier: My Own Worst Enemy: Podcast (U.K.:


Hector Garcia. The Evolved Psychology of PTSD. KTEP El Paso, Texas Science Studio/Fresh 

Air. April 24, 2017.


Hector Garcia. Hector Garcia and Alpha God. KTEP El Paso, Texas—Science Studio/Fresh Air. March 3, 2017.


Hector Garcia. Narcissistic Personality Disordes and Political Leaders. NAMI 

Athens Ohio, Conversations from Studio B. February 9, 2016


Hector Garcia. Evidence-based Psychotherapies for PTSD, Politics and Provider Burnout. NAMI Athens Ohio, Conversations from Studio B. January 5, 2015.


Hector Garcia.. Alpha God: Alpha Male Texas Public Radio: The Source. March 3, 2015.


Hector Garcia. Alpha God: Radio West. April 28, 2015


Hector Garcia. Alpha God: Freethought Radio. 7/11/15


Hector Garcia.  (Spanish with English Translation), Alpha God. Ateorizar 154.5: Entrevista con Héctor García, autor del libro Alpha God (en inglés).


Hector Garcia Of Apes, Men, and Gods with Nathan Dickey on A Leap of Doubt


Hector Garcia Alpha God on the Phil Ferguson Show.


Hector Garcia. Alpha God. Ra-Men Podcast.


Hector Garcia Secular Sexuality with Darrel Ray: Hector Garcia Alpha God:


Hector Garcia Alpha God: the Psychology of Religious Violence and Oppression. The Thinking Atheist with Seth Andrews:.


Invited Lectures


Hector Garcia (March 28, 2023) High Reliability Organizations, Social Support, and Burnout; Building Resiliency and a Safety Culture through VA HRO Principles and Whole Health Modalities


Hector Garcia (February 2, 2023). Wellness and Telework. VA Telework and Ongoing Reviews.


Hector Garcia (Feb 8, 9, 2023) Darwinian Medicine, Burnout, and Self-Compassion. VA National CBOC Mental Health Grand Rounds. 


Hector Garcia (February 2, 2023). Mission: Organizational Health, Staff Retention

VA VISN 17 Executive Leadership Council. 


Hector Garcia (June 3, 2022). PTSD: Disorder, or Adaptation? Discover New Directions Mental Health Symposium. Bonham, Texas


Hector Garcia (January 28, 2022). The Evolutionary Roots of Tribalism: Origins, Dynamics, and Remedies. Texas A & M International University, Laredo


Hector Garcia (November 23, 2021). Food for Thought: The Evolutionary Roots of Our Political Divide. Center for Inquiry, Austin, Texas. 


Hector Garcia (July 18, 2021). Politics and the Evolutionary Roots of Tribalism. Houston Oasis, Houston Texas,


Hector Garcia (February 1, 2020). On Big Presidents and Our Partisan Divide. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. Boca Raton, Florida 


Hector Garcia (November 15, 2019): Sex, Power, and Partisanship: How Evolutionary Science Makes Sense of Our Political Divide; Texas A&M University, San Antonio


Hector Garcia (October 27, 2019). Predisposed to Vote: The Evolutionary Science of Our Political Divide. Texas Book Festival, Austin.


Hector Garcia (September 24, 2019): The Evolution of Our Gods and Politics: Lecture Series, David Buss Lab: Evolutionary Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin.


Hector Garcia—Plenary (September, 2019); The Evolution of PTSD and Evidence Based Psychotherapies. 2nd Batallion, 10 Special Forces Redeployment Conference. Ft Collins,Co.


Hector Garcia—Plenary (July 21, 2019). The Evolution of God and Political Leanings. LOGICAL-LA, Los Angeles, California


Hector Garcia—Plenary (June 7, 2019). Evolution, Sex, Gods, and Politics. American Humanist Associations 78th Annual Conference, Houston, Texas


Hector Garcia (June 23, 2019). Alpha Gods and Chimpanzee Presidents. Houston Oasis, Houston Texas,


Hector Garcia (June 14, 2019). On Alpha Gods and Chimpanzee Presidents. Kansas City Oasis, KC Missouri


Hector Garcia (May 7, 2019). Alpha Gods and Chimpanzee Leaders. Galveston Bay Oasis, Galveston, Texas


Hector Garcia—Plenary (April 19, 2019). Alpha Gods and Political Seduction. American Atheists National Convention, Cincinnati, Ohio


Hector Garcia (April 6, 2019). Sex, Power, and Partisanship. San Antonio Book Festival.


Hector Garcia & Sebastian Junger. (March 2019). Brainwave Series: Sex, Power, and Partisanship: Rubin Museum, NY, NY.


Hector Garcia—Plenary (October, 23 2018). Building the public interface of PTSD science. STRONG STAR PTSD Research Conference. San Antonio, Texas


Hector Garcia (September 2 2018). On the advancement of science in religious warfare and PTSD treatment. Oasis, Kansas City, Missouri


Hector Garcia (2017). A Century of Transformation: UTEP, the Border Experience, and the Science of PTSD. University of Texas at El Paso Centennial Lecture Series.


Garcia, H.A. (2016). KLRN presents film screening and panel discussion featuring TED Talks: War & Peace. Bijou Theater, San Antonio, Texas.


Sebastian Junger, Hector A Garcia, Wallace Lawson. (2016) Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging (Tribalistic Psychology and recovery from PTSD). The Book People. Austin, Texas.


EP Finley, PH Noël, EK Haro, N Bernardy, S Lee, H Garcia, MJ Pugh, J Pugh. Educationpreferences among community mental health and primary care providers treating PTSD. International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Dallas TX ,  11/12/2016.

Hector Garcia—Plenary (April 9, 2016) Unmasking the Alpha God. Southwestern Psychological Association Annual Meeting: Evolutionary Psychology: The Adapted Mind. Invited Speaker. Dallas, Texas 4/9/2016


Hector Garcia. Alpha God. Freethinkers Association of Central Texas, presentation and book signing. San Antonio, Texas. 2/20/16


Hector Garcia. Alpha God. The Half King Reading Series. New York (NY), 11/2/15. 


Hector Garcia, McGeary, C., McGeary, D., Finley, E., & Peterson, A. (2013, November). Organizational Factors and Burnout in VA PTSD Clinical Team Providers. In C. Benight (Chair), Secondary trauma and burnout in military mental health providers. Symposium conducted at the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


Jeffreys M., Garcia H.A. (July 2011). Vietnam Veterans’ Responsiveness to Prolonged Exposure (PE) Therapy for PTSD. VA Mental Health Conference: Baltimore Maryland.


Hector Garcia, Dassori, A. (2011). Building a Practice-Based Research Network at a VAMC Mental Health Outpatient Clinic. 3rd Annual Practice-Based Research Network Convocation.


Jeffreys, M., Rentz, T.O., Garcia, H.A., Mata-Galan, E. (2010, July). Continued Growth and Clinical Challenges of Evidenced Based Treatments in an Outpatient PCT. Presented at the VA Mental Health Conference:  Baltimore Maryland.


Jeffreys, M., Garcia, H.A., Rentz, T.O. (2009, July). Are We There Yet? Increasing Patient Use of Evidence Based, Trauma Specific Therapies in an Outpatient PCT.  Presented at the VA Conference: Meeting the Diverse Mental Health Needs of Veterans; Implementing the Uniform Services Handbook. Baltimore, Maryland.


Hector Garcia. (2008). Recognizing PTSD. Hallmark Institute for Technology. San Antonio, Texas.


Hector Garcia (2008) Implementing Exposure Therapy with Veterans Diagnosed with PTSD. Invited Address at the Regional Veteran Centers Empirically Supported Treatment Training. San Antonio, Texas.


Hector Garcia (2007, September). Mental adjustment of returning veterans. Invited address at: The National Black Caucus of State Legislators and the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators Health Disparities Conference. Omni La Mansion Del Rio—San Antonio, Texas.


Hector Garcia. (2007, December). Recovery and reintegration of veterans. Invited address at: The National Black Caucus of State Legislators Annual Conference: Labor, Military, & Veteran’s Affairs.  Little Rock, Arkansas.


Hector Garcia. (2006, October). The price of war: posttraumatic stress disorder. Invited address at: The Presidents Peace Commission; Five years later. St. Mary’s University, San Antonio,Texas.


Hector Garcia. Langenbucher, J. (2003, November). Perceived Alcohol Intoxication on MDMA (Ecstasy); MDMA, Alcohol, and Sexual Risk-Taking. Paper presented at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcohol Intoxication Trainee Workshop.


Written Interviews


Garcia, H.A. Researchgate (2016) Protecting the professionals treatment PTSD patients from burnout: How the Department of Veteans Affairs can take care of providers, so they can take care of patients.


Garcia, H,A. US Medicine (2016)  Bureaucracy, not patient factors, cause burnout for VA psychiatrists.


Garcia, H.A. VA Research Currents (2015). Bureaucracy, not trauma exposure, is cause ofmost mental health provider burnout in VA.




Song, J., Garcia, H., Finley, E., & Wiltsey Stirman, S. (2020, November 19-22). Patient characteristics affect providers’ treatment choice [Poster session]. ABCT 54th Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA, United States.


Finley, E.P., Wistley-Stirman, S., Garcia, H.A, (December 4, 2018) Understanding treatment planning among VHA PTSD specialty care providers: Using practice assessment to identify opportunities for expanding reach of evidence-based psychotherapies” 11th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation, Washington, D.C.


Finley, EP, Haro, EK, Mader, M, Noel, P, Garcia, H Bernardy, N, Rosen, C & Pugh MJ.  Availability of guideline-recommended prescribing and psychotherapy for PTSD in community settings: Implications for access and quality. San Antonio Military Health System and Universities Research Forum, San Antonio, June 29, 2018.


EK Haro, M Mader, PH Noel, N Bernardy, CS Rosen, M Bollinger, HA Garcia, K Sherrieb, MJ Pugh, EP Finley. Use of guideline-recommended treatments for PTSD among community-based clinicians in Texas and Vermont. Department of Psychiatry’s Research and Quality Improvement Day, San Antonio, TX, May 2, 2017.


EP Finley, PH Noël, EK Haro, N Bernardy, S Lee, H Garcia, MJ Pugh, J Pugh. Education preferences among community mental health and primary care providers treating PTSD. International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Dallas TX , November 12, 2016.


EP Finley, M Mader, EK Haro, PH Noel, N Bernardy, C Rosen, M Bollinger, H Garcia, K Sherrieb, MJ Pugh. Attitudes to VA and use of recommended PTSD treatment practices by community clinicians: implications for the Veterans Choice Program. Examining the New Landscape of Care in the Community for Veterans. HSR&D/QUERI Field-Based Meeting, August 8, 2016.


EP Finley, M Mader, M Bollinger, EK Haro, HA Garcia, JA Pugh, MJ Pugh. Factors Predicting Utilization of VA, Military, and Community-Based Care among Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans with PTSD. Association of Military Surgeons of the United States, San Antonio, December 4,



M Mader, M Bollinger, EK Haro, MJ Pugh, HA Garcia, JA Pugh, EP Finley. Utilization of VA, Military, and Community-Based Care among OEF and OIF Veterans with PTSD. San Antonio Military Health System and Universities Research Forum, San Antonio, July 24, 2015.


EP Finley, PH Noel, S Lee, MJ Pugh, HA Garcia, JA Pugh.  PTSD Care Practices and Education Preferences among Community-Based Prescribers and Psychotherapy Providers in Texas. San Antonio Military Health System and Universities Research Forum, San Antonio, July 24, 2015.


EP Finley, PH Noel, S Lee, MJ Pugh, HA Garcia, JA Pugh. Psychotherapy practices for patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among community-based providers in Texas. HSR&D/QUERI 2015 National Conference, Philadelphia, July 8, 2015.


Finley, E.P, Garcia, H.A., Ketchum, NS,  McGeary,DD, McGeary, CA, Wiltsey Stirman,S., Peterson, AL. Provider and workplace factors affecting use of Prolonged Exposure and

Cognitive Processing Therapies within VA PTSD Clinical Teams. International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies National Meeting, Miami, FL, November 7, 2014.


Garcia, H.A., Finley, E. P., Ketchum, N., McGeary, C., McGeary, D., Peterson, A.  (May 2013) Burnout among Veterans Health Care Administration PTSD Clinical Teams: Emerging Research and Recommendations. Poster presented at the Veterans Affairs Psychology Leadership Conference.


McGeary, D., McGeary, C., & Garcia, H., Finley, E., & Peterson, A. (2013, November). Factors contributing to burnout among VA psychiatrists. Poster session presented at the Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies, Nashville, Tennessee.


Garcia, H.A., Dassori, A., Ketchum, N., Finley, E.P., Jackupcek, M., Reyes, S. (2012) Perceived Barriers to VA Outpatient Mental Health Care.  Poster presented at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 28th Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, CA. 


Jeffreys, M., Dassori, A., Garcia, H.A. & Reyes, S. (2012) Expanding Traumatic Stress Treatment Through a Practice Based Research Network.  Poster presented at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 28th Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, CA. 


Walton, J. L., C. Laurel Franklin, C.L., Garcia, H.A., Thompson, K.E. (2012) A Comparison of Response Styles Among OEF/OIF and Vietnam Combat Veterans Diagnosed with PTSD. Poster presented at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 28th Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, CA. 


EP Finley, MJ Pugh, HA Garcia, PH Noel, CP Wang. PTSD and self-efficacy for life tasks in OEF/OIF Veterans: assessing functional concerns in the clinic. UT Health Science Center at San Antonio      Department of Medicine Research Day, May 17, 2011. (Winner of Health Services Research Prize.)


Chambliss, J., Garcia, H. A., & Franklin, C. L. (2009). Examining MMPI-2 fake bad validity scales in OEF/OIF veterans diagnosed with PTSD. Poster presented at the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, GA.


Garcia, H.A., Rentz, T.O, (2008, July). Predictors of Treatment Outcome and Dropout Among OEF/OIF Veterans in an Outpatient VA PTSD Clinic. Poster presented at Continuing the Transformation of VA Mental Health Service, Bridging the Gaps. Washington, D.C.


Garcia, H. A., Langenbucher, J., Labouvie, E. (2004, July). MDMA, Alcohol, & Sexual Risk-Taking.Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, 2004 in Honolulu,Hawaii, Division 12.




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